Sunday, November 26, 2006


Well, Thanksgiving is over-put to bed for another year. The once-a-year china is washed and put in the hutch, the silverware in its case under the bed, and the crystal wrapped in newspaper pajamas and tucked away in the cabinet. The lights have been turned off and "Thanksgiving Day" is hibernating for another year. Sweet dreams, Thanksgiving Day. Now to rest. WRONG!!!

Now comes the "fun"part" of Autumn--the mad, crazy all-consuming time of year known affectionately as "Christmas Time". The shopping has begun-unless you are my friend Tracy who was finished on January 30th of this year. And she has it wrapped already!!! I hate her. Not really, I'm just very envious of her ability to get all her shopping done so early--and she does this every year!!!! I love you, tracy.

Besides the shopping, there are cookies to be baked, parties to attend, six hour school concerts to sit through, house decorating (inside and out) to be done, cards to write and send ( I already received Tracy's card-urgh!!), gifts to be wrapped, visits to Santa Claus, a tree to be bought/chopped down and decorated, night drives to "see the lights" and visits to exchange gifts with friends. Even if this wasn't enough, someone in my family threw in a baby shower in December!! HELP!!! I need a clone-one with six extra hands and four legs-'cause this body is already getting tired just thinking about the next month!

Where have the 'good old days' gone?? Do you remember them?? We only bought a few gifts for very close freinds and family. Some gifts were handmade during the year. Jams and jellies were canned in the late summer and just tied with a ribbon as a present. Kids made and wrapped their parents' presents in school. There were no malls to charge our way through. One concert at school and it lasted one hour. Spening a Sunday trampling through the woods to cut a tree down and drag it home to be decorated. A tree that held its needles for more than five days. Spending the whole evening of Christmas Eve at one house-not rushing to three houses for an hour each. Do you remeber going door-to-door caraoling?? Getting hot chocolate and cookies from the friendly people that you sang to?? Nowadays you would probably get shot on a doorstep!!

And through this all, we have forgotten the true meaning of the holiday. Yes, Christmas is for kids. Yes, Christmas is a time of giving and receiving (though I actually like the giving part more). Yes, Christams is a time for spending quality time with your loved ones. But Christmas is also a time to remember a baby was born on this day. A baby who is important to me and many other people on this globe we call Earth. If I could have one wish this holiday season, it would be that there was a little less commercialism and a little more reflection on the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

So, during the next month, think of me and the craziness I will be muddling through, as I think of you and the rush you will be going through. But every once in a while, take a rest. Stop and look to the sky and think what this is all about. And maybe you will have a moment of peace-for it is the "season of peace on earth, good will toward man".

Have a great day, and stay safe.


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