Wednesday, August 23, 2006


MODEST: adj. 1. Having or DISPLAYING a moderate or unexaggerated reagard for oneself, humble. 2. Not showy, guady, or ostentatious. 3. Not excessive or extreme, moderate.
4. Reserved in speech, manner, DRESS, etc.

I looked up this definition in my Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary. I have come to the conclusion that this word is no longer found on the list of vocab words taught in school-elementary or high school!!

I spent Monday at 6 Flags amusement park in Mass. Having been there many, many times I am not concerned about just getting on rides. I actually take my time now to enjoy the ambience of the park. Stolling along the streets, eating popcorn, talking and laughing about nothing important is actually, for me, more theraputic than napping or reading a book. I now NEED THERAPY after the show I saw on Monday. The 'free show' that I saw on Monday was mind-blowing. I am not talking about "Illusion Quest" (thought the magician is fantastic), but the show the people were putting on. I will not limit this to the teenagers, because adults were also in this daily production. I believe the show should be called "The Three B's".

I don't know when "The Three B's" debuted, but I can tell you this drama/comedy is still going strong all across the country. For those of you that don't know what the three b's stand for, it's:
Breasts-Bellies-Butts!!!! I am 46 yrs. old-I have been married for 22 yrs.-I have given birth-I know what the human body looks like. I DON'T NEED TO SEE YOURS!!!!

Let me tell you a little bit about this show. Young and old females ( I will NOT call them ladies) alike dress in a manner so revealing as to be classified as 'dirty'. The tank-top style shirts leave nothing to the imagination. Breasts are everywhere-hanging out, bouncing and being covered with barely-there material. Some are so big as to have their own zip code! These shirts?! only cover the skin right below the breasts. The belly is exposed. If you have an atractive body, this would be more acceptable. But these women are: chunky, hefty, flabby and just down right fat!! Sorry, no political correctness today-or any other day for that matter!!! I could not believe the number of women who were showing off their bellies. The shirts they wore were skin-tight and stopped above the belly button. These very unattractive bellies were rolls of flab that hung over their shorts. They had good old fashioned 'love handles' on their hips. All of this skin jiggled as they walked!! Their shorts, in the hip-hugger style, were so tight I wondered how they could bend over or breathe in them. These shorts are so low on their hips that all of the belly shows. YUCK!!! I saw more fannies jiggling than on Richard's Simmons 'Sweatin' to the Oldies' video. I can tell you that all the colors of the rainbow were worn as underwear on Monday--because I SAW the underwear!!

What really amazed me about this whole scene was that these women think they look good!! Where they get their self esteem is beyond me. Do the men out there really think this is attractive?? The guys I have questioned say, "no". So, who does?? I don't see pictures of girls like this in magazines or on TV, so where does this new dress code come from? I have seen many young girls in school looking like this. Every time I see one it baffles me that she thinks she is pretty. A little cover-up would go a long way to making these girls seem more attractive.

Imagination is a wonderful thing. I don't want to see my Christmas presents, under the tree, unwrapped. The anticipation, the guessing of what is in the box is the thrill that the wrapping creates. Why show your body to all?? Let the guy use his imagination before the unwrapping begins.

I am truly embarrased and disgusted by the ways these girls treat themselves--and the general public by this atrocious attire. But my real burning question is, "WHERE ARE THEIR MOTHERS AND FATHERS ???????

Have a great day, and stay safe.


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