Thursday, August 03, 2006

How do you do...

A Thousand Welcomes..(in Gaelic)

Before I get to my rantings, ramblings and ravings, I thought I would introduce myself. I have been married for 22 years to a great guy-Chris (who will be known as "The Husband")- and two daughters. Kerri (the Princess) is going into her 3rd year of University and Kate (the Drama Queen) will be a senior in high school. With 3 Irish women in the house, talk about estrogen !! Poor Husband!! We have 3 cats (2F/1M) and a golden retreiver-Sir KGB (I'll explain his name at another time!!). I was a stay-at-home Mom for 17 yrs and have only been back in the "real world" for 4 yrs. What changes there are!! Those views will be a whole letter unto itself!!

I have very ecclectic tastes-from music to movies and books. But don't mess with my food---meat and potatoes all the way---I'M IRISH--what would you expect!! I have a wonderful group of family and friends that keep me sane in the toughest of times--I am eternally grateful for their love and support.

I have done many things in my life--volunteering, travel to Europe, Girl Scout leader, host parent and English teacher to foreign students, sky diving, singer in "New LIfe Singers" (a Christian choir) and keyboardist/singer in a band.

From the time I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a wife and mother--little did I know what I was getting myself into!!! I have just crested the first hill of this great roller coaster ride called "Life", and can't wait to see what is over the next hill. The negative G's are better that the positive G's!! I could use a little less weight on my shoulders right now-school is starting soon. The Princess is leaving me and the Drama Queen will be non-stop busy for a year. I guess I'll get to rest next June!!

Time to wake the Drama Queen up--she's such a "HAPPY"??!! child in the morning. I'll let you know how many battle scars I receive today!!

Have a great day, and stay safe.


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