A Great Bunch of Kids!!!
After my last ranting about how "bad" some kids are, I thought I would explain that all teenagers are NOT like that. I know a lot of great kids--and today I'll tell you about two groups of teenagers that I am so PROUD to know. The music/drama group and the track/cross country group at Griswold High School.
First: the track/CC kids.
These young adults are a wonderful group of teenagers. They are respectful, helpful, friendly, considerate commrades who care about each other, their coaches and friends. They are also very funny!! I have been to many practices and meets where I have seen first hand how they work together for a common goal--striving to do their best. Yes, they want to win. But more importantly, they hold each other up in times of despair. They truly care about each other and the team as a whole. I have seen them congratulate other winners, and console each other when needed.
On a few occasions, I have had anywhere from 10 to 30 kids at my home for some sort of function for the team. They have always been polite, neat (cleaning up after themselves for the spaghetti dinner) and very jovial. Yes, they are silly at times:i.e. braiding Gavin's hair or trying to build a human pyramid on a blanket because Tradelle didn't want to kneel on the grass!! The girls' CC team spent an afternoon painting matching warm-up pants for team unity. One girl could not afford the pants, and was not allowed to come and paint. The girls bought her a apir, arranged to take my paints into school the next day and spent a little practice time with her helping her paint hers' so she would be like the rest of the team!! What a great bunch of girls!!
A lot of the credit must be given to the coaches. Coach Chester and Coach Stedman have taught these kids manners, humility, sportsmanship and team unity. These values will ease these teenagers into the "real world" with much more grace than they would have learned on their own. I would be very proud to have anyone of these kids as my own. I am so glad my daughters were in this wonderful clique!!
What can I say about these kids!!??!!! If anyone has ever gone to a GHS Music concert or the spring musical production, you know what an awesome job these kids do. If you have not been--GO!! It is something to not be missed!! The work ethic, the dedication, the TIME that these kids put into a production is unbelievable!! Both my daughters have been in this program for a total of 7 years(plus 6 each for elementary and middle school). I have been to every show (minus one concert) and every play. I can be found at the musical rehersals every night for the last two weeks before opening night!! I am in awe of the work ethic, the concentration these teenagers have to make the show "as perfect as can be". The choirs, band and orchestra have all won numerous awards for their musical talents. Besides three choirs, band and orchestra, there are: jazz band, steel band and men's choir. All extra, above and beyond what is needed. These kids LOVE what they do.
I have had different goups, up to 40 kids, at my house on occasion. Like the track team, these teenagers are so well behaved. If they spill something, they clean it up immediately. If the language gets out-of-hand, someone else reminds them to tone it down. Once, I said it was okay when a "bad word" was said, and another student said it "wasn't okay because they were disrespecting my house"!! What a grown-up response from a teenager!!
A lot of the credit must go to Mr. Kinsal and Mr. Churchill-the band and choir directiors. These gentlemen put in many hours above what is expected of them. Their drive, determination and dedication is a wonderful example for these students--and they DO learn from it. I have seen students in school hours before practice time trying to get a part correct. My daughter had a sectional (for singing) just last week--in the middle of vacation!! These kids get together periodically over the summer to warm up for when school starts, and to just be together. They are all a great goup of friends who care about and for each other. I am so proud th know these young adults!!
I know other parents can and will say the same thing about their teenagers and schools. I know that it will be true. But, if someone had just told me these facts, I might think they were just bragging and the kids couln't possibly be this good. But living and seeing it first hand, I know it's true!! There are wonderful kids out there today who will grow up to be wonderful adults!! Maybe ther IS hope for this next generation to take over the world!!
Have a great day, and stay safe.
First: the track/CC kids.
These young adults are a wonderful group of teenagers. They are respectful, helpful, friendly, considerate commrades who care about each other, their coaches and friends. They are also very funny!! I have been to many practices and meets where I have seen first hand how they work together for a common goal--striving to do their best. Yes, they want to win. But more importantly, they hold each other up in times of despair. They truly care about each other and the team as a whole. I have seen them congratulate other winners, and console each other when needed.
On a few occasions, I have had anywhere from 10 to 30 kids at my home for some sort of function for the team. They have always been polite, neat (cleaning up after themselves for the spaghetti dinner) and very jovial. Yes, they are silly at times:i.e. braiding Gavin's hair or trying to build a human pyramid on a blanket because Tradelle didn't want to kneel on the grass!! The girls' CC team spent an afternoon painting matching warm-up pants for team unity. One girl could not afford the pants, and was not allowed to come and paint. The girls bought her a apir, arranged to take my paints into school the next day and spent a little practice time with her helping her paint hers' so she would be like the rest of the team!! What a great bunch of girls!!
A lot of the credit must be given to the coaches. Coach Chester and Coach Stedman have taught these kids manners, humility, sportsmanship and team unity. These values will ease these teenagers into the "real world" with much more grace than they would have learned on their own. I would be very proud to have anyone of these kids as my own. I am so glad my daughters were in this wonderful clique!!
What can I say about these kids!!??!!! If anyone has ever gone to a GHS Music concert or the spring musical production, you know what an awesome job these kids do. If you have not been--GO!! It is something to not be missed!! The work ethic, the dedication, the TIME that these kids put into a production is unbelievable!! Both my daughters have been in this program for a total of 7 years(plus 6 each for elementary and middle school). I have been to every show (minus one concert) and every play. I can be found at the musical rehersals every night for the last two weeks before opening night!! I am in awe of the work ethic, the concentration these teenagers have to make the show "as perfect as can be". The choirs, band and orchestra have all won numerous awards for their musical talents. Besides three choirs, band and orchestra, there are: jazz band, steel band and men's choir. All extra, above and beyond what is needed. These kids LOVE what they do.
I have had different goups, up to 40 kids, at my house on occasion. Like the track team, these teenagers are so well behaved. If they spill something, they clean it up immediately. If the language gets out-of-hand, someone else reminds them to tone it down. Once, I said it was okay when a "bad word" was said, and another student said it "wasn't okay because they were disrespecting my house"!! What a grown-up response from a teenager!!
A lot of the credit must go to Mr. Kinsal and Mr. Churchill-the band and choir directiors. These gentlemen put in many hours above what is expected of them. Their drive, determination and dedication is a wonderful example for these students--and they DO learn from it. I have seen students in school hours before practice time trying to get a part correct. My daughter had a sectional (for singing) just last week--in the middle of vacation!! These kids get together periodically over the summer to warm up for when school starts, and to just be together. They are all a great goup of friends who care about and for each other. I am so proud th know these young adults!!
I know other parents can and will say the same thing about their teenagers and schools. I know that it will be true. But, if someone had just told me these facts, I might think they were just bragging and the kids couln't possibly be this good. But living and seeing it first hand, I know it's true!! There are wonderful kids out there today who will grow up to be wonderful adults!! Maybe ther IS hope for this next generation to take over the world!!
Have a great day, and stay safe.
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